A Guide to Weight Gaining and Losing Muscle

If you're overweight, chances are you think it s all because you just have too much body mass. While this may be true, another big issue is you probably have way too little muscle mass. So, gaining muscle and losing fat really go hand in hand, right? Well, maybe not. In fact, it may be more difficult for you to lose fat and gain muscle than it is to lose weight. Losing fat is not the same as building muscle.

lose weight and gain muscle

Before you can begin your journey towards achieving the body of your dreams, you need to lose the fat first. If you haven't already started doing a proper workout routine, that is the first step you need to take. Then, find some effective and efficient workouts for each of the muscle groups. Find several sets of exercises for each muscle group and do them on a regular basis.

A very effective workout for most people involves resistance training and whey protein supplements. Resistance training involves using free weights like dumbbells or barbells and targeting the muscles with resistance. For instance, if you're working out your chest, you might work out with incline dumbbell presses, decline bench presses, and incline flyes. You may also use cable flyes, reverse flies, and front squats. With resistance training, you'll be able to target each muscle group at least two times with each workout.

Your diet will also play a big part in your exercise routine. For best results, eat five to six smaller meals during the day rather than three large ones. Eat them quickly to give your body time to replenish them. You'll want to eat breakfast to give your muscles a jump start on the day's schedule. If you eat too late in the morning or before you exercise, you won't have enough time to repair your muscles. This can lead to injuries and a ruined muscle-building workout.

The best types of strength training and HIIT workouts per week are the type that incorporate several compound exercises with high-rep sets. This is the way most bodybuilders and other serious athletes include their exercise routine. You should aim to do about forty to sixty repetitions with high-intensity exercises each time you go to the gym. You'll need a lot of stamina to do this, so get plenty of rest between your workouts. You'll burn more calories when you rest well between workouts.

Eating whole foods gives your muscles the proper nutrition that they need. This includes eating plenty of lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, vegetables, and fruits. If you're not a big fan of some of these food groups, add lean protein (that's whey) to your diet. Studies show that eating whey protein is especially beneficial to muscle gainers who also eat a lot of carbs.

Cutting calories drastically cuts the number of calories you take in during your workout. Losing even ten pounds can reduce your daily calorie intake by up to thirty percent. Even a moderate calorie deficit can help you lose weight and gain muscle. Your best bet is to find a good dietary supplement that offers the kind of caloric intake that will help you lose weight and keep it off. If you use a high-calorie supplement, you'll be burning calories like you wouldn't have in normal circumstances and your metabolism will be working even harder to burn off those excess calories.

One of the best ways to cut down on your intake of carbohydrates is to eat more healthy carbs. This means adding more whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and other low-glycemic carbs to your diet, and removing the most obvious carbs, such as white bread and sugar. When you cut calories too drastically, your body will respond by slowing its fat-burning processes - and when your muscles aren't getting enough glucose, they can't get their fuel, which results in minimal weight gain. Adding protein to your diet helps a great deal, since it helps you break down your foods further, producing fiber and amino acids needed for quick, healthy energy.
